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Fresh Asparagus – per lb



Our members know this Asparagus is very special – and a really exciting time as the season isn’t for long. Asparagus needs warm, moist weather to grow so late April/May sees the bulk of the crop emerge.

It’s worth waiting for – you’ll get spears with real sweetness and flavor. Grown with traditional practices in rich soil – always CHEMICAL FREE!!!

Better than Organic


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How to store Asparagus?

Treat it like flowers or herbs and you’ll keep it fresh and ready for use.

Asparagus can be kept fresh but you must stop it from drying out or otherwise it will become stringy and tough.

  • When you receive your Asparagus, chop a little off the end – just like you would do a bunch of flowers.
  • Keep the band around it and stand it straight up in a glass with a little water.  Then put a clear plastic bag over the top.
  • Keep in the fridge and you preserve the freshness for up to around a week. If the water starts to look cloudy, just change it.

How is Asparagus good for you?

So, why eat Asparagus?

Loaded with nutrients – Asparagus is a great source of fiber, vitamins A, C, E and K as well as essential minerals such as chromium.

  • Asparagus is a rich source of gluthathione – a detoxifying compound that helps break down harmful free radicals.  This is why eating Asparagus is suggested to help protect against certain forms of cancer and to slow down the ageing process.
  • Asparagus contains healthy levels of folate. Another excellent reason to eat dark, and leafy green vegetables.
  • Asparagus contains the amino acid asparagine, which is a natural diuretic.  This is said to be beneficial to people who suffer from high blood pressure or edema to help them rid their body of excess fluids.
  • Eating Asparagus can also help the digestion and relieve constipation due to the high amount of water content in the spears.


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