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For a contempt matter update regarding our battle with the USDA, please follow this link and watch the posted video statement from our Attorney, Robert Barnes

*Thank you all for your generous donations and your continued support*

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We ship nationwide via FedEx or UPS at an additional charge. You can also arrange to pick up directly at the Farm or locally at any of our Co-Op’s or drop locations

Farm News

September 17, 2023
What is Raw Milk? Raw Milk is a completely different food than most know from the white fluid we are used to buying at the grocery store. Raw Milk is in fact never white, but has a nice creamy color and in the spring through autumn, when the cows are foraging on fresh and rapidly growing grass, the color of…
August 15, 2023
What is A2/A2 milk? Thousands of years ago, there was a genetic mutation in cows in Europe. This mutation made them produce a new type of beta-casein protein – A1. Before this point, cows (just like humans and most mammals) produced milk strictly with A2 beta-casein protein. Over time, those European cows have been selectively bred (and now, in some…
March 15, 2023
Why Camels Milk? Camel Milk is naturally comprised of an amazing array of ingredients, including unique proteins and nutrients which make it a perfect milk alternative, and also a base component for skin care and nutraceutical products. Immune Proteins- perhaps the most important component of camel milk. The concentrated immune proteins and the unique molecular structure of camel milk delivers…
January 1, 2023
What seems like ages ago when I was battling high blood pressure and diabetes, I noticed an interesting trend in my body. It seemed that when I drank a glass of kefir every day, my blood pressure would go down– and not just a little bit. It would drop significantly, putting me back within the normal range. When I would…
November 1, 2022
So what’s so special about eating raw cheese? Well it’s the flavor that you notice first. When chomping into a piece of cheese made from entirely grass fed raw milk, you really taste the difference! There is a certain complexity about raw cheese that is noticed immediately after that first bite, but then you know you are onto something good!…
October 5, 2022
Vitamins: Butter is a rich source of easily absorbedvitamin A , needed for a wide range of functions,from maintaining good vision to keeping the endocrinesystem in top shape. Butter also contains allthe other fat-soluble vitamins (D, E and K2), whichare often lacking in the modern industrial diet. Minerals : Butter is rich in important trace minerals,including manganese, chromium, zinc, copperand…

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August 17, 2022

Ingredients 1/2 cup raw apple cider vinegar 4-5 pound pork butt roast – or shoulder, cut into strips or cubes (leave fat on) 2 Tbsp coconut oil 2, 2-inch pieces of ginger, peeled and minced 4 cloves garlic, chopped 1/2 cup coconut aminos 2/3 cup miso 1/4 cup coconut sugar Instructions Soak chopped pork in apple cider vinegar overnight in the refrigerator. Rinse and pat dry. In large stock pot,

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December 13, 2022

  Chicken livers are lower in vitamin A than beef or lamb liver, but may be better nutritionally because they contain a balance of vitamins A, D and K2—all three of Weston Price’s fat-soluble activators in one delicious package. Ingredients: 1 pound livers from pastured chickens 2 tablespoons butter, lard or bacon fat 1/2 cup cognac 1/2 cup homemade beef or chicken stock 1 clove garlic, crushed 1 teaspoon dried

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